Are You Still Planning To Lose Weight & Get In Shape?


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It’s time to stop planning and start empowering yourself. The time to move is now, and our COBRA-Fit group coaching is the perfect way to get started.
Exercising by yourself can be tough. Nobody knows if you skip, there is no one to push you a little harder, and you don’t have a commitment to anyone else. One day off turns into two, and before you know it, weeks have passed without you even raising a sweat. Getting fit in isolation can be done, but it’s much harder and requires a resolve few of us have.
That is perhaps why the popularity of our COBRA-Fit program is exploding: people join because the support and accountability we provide keep you focused and motivated and that friends…is what works!

COBRA-Fit Group Coaching Benefits
1. The biggest benefit that our COBRA-Fit group coaching offers is support. When you join our group coaching program, you are ensuring that you have like-minded people to motivate you and qualified leaders to help you reach your weight loss and fitness milestones. If staying motivated is a challenge for you, then our group coaching program will energize you to keep going. Members of group coaching programs can become close friends as they work hard and celebrate together.

2. You will push yourself harder in a group coaching program. During your workouts, there are no distractions to cause you to lose your momentum or excuses to slack off. Your coach will expect compliance, and while we will certainly work within your ability, you will be amazed at how far you can go in the right environment. The feeling you get when you know you have pushed yourself a little further than you thought you could, will give you confidence in all other areas of your life.

3. Cost wise, you can’t go wrong with a group coaching program. You can enjoy unlimited kickboxing classes on your own or find an accountability buddy and save BIG TIME! The friendly competition and accountability will get you your BEST results, yet it costs much less!

4. Ready for quick results? Our COBRA-Fit Kickboxing Weight Loss Solution incorporates variations of high intensity interval training or HIIT for short with the dynamics and fun of a kick and punch workout. HIIT training has been scientifically proven to be more effective and more efficient than traditional exercise programs. We’re not playing games here. Our goal is to change your life and have a great time doing it!

5. It’s fun! Team training takes the torture out of serious workouts. There is nothing like laughing with each other as you struggle through those last push ups or pant through that last few seconds of a punch out. In fact, a recent study has proven that pleasant distraction reduces pain.1 Don’t worry-we’re not going to torture you, but any serious fitness work has moments of discomfort. The distraction of having others around you doing the same thing can mean the difference between finishing with a smile on your face and not finishing at all.

If you are tired of the same old fitness routine or tired of your good intentions to get in shape leading nowhere, then our COBRA-Fit Group Coaching Weight Loss Solution may be exactly what you need.

CALL: 800-289-8188 To Sample A Class, Register With A Buddy, or Learn More!

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