Holiday Fat Loss Classes Start Nov 21 (Watch the Video)

How To Lose Weight For the Holidays!

Last year we did a little experiment with a few of our boot campers that caused them to LOSE weight during the holidays (no kidding 🙂

All they had to do was follow these 3 unusual guidelines:

#1 – You must eat whatever you’d normally eat.

In other words NO DIETING!

We just added a few natural metabolism revving foods.

#2 – You had to MISS any workouts that interfered  with family events, holiday shopping or vacations even if it meant missing a straight week of boot camp.

#3 – Read our “Ultimate Holiday Fat Loss Strategy” super fat burning report and apply anything that feels right to you and is easy for you to do.

Now, we KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING, it sounds too good to be true?

Well just to put your mind at ease, let us PROVE to you WHY it has no choice but to work! (it’s simple really)

– The program is 7 weeks.

– Each workout burns approx 800 calories and then another 200 after the workout because of the “afterburn effect”.

– Even if you miss two and a half weeks, and only worked out 3 days a week on the weeks you train, you’ll burn a total of 15,000 calories.

– By adding a few natural metabolism-revving foods, you’ll burn about 200 extra calories a day. (200x’s 52 days = 10,400 calories)

– Total calories burned = 25,400

– A pound of fat = 3500 calories,  So let’s do the math…

25,400 calories burned = 7.25 pounds of FAT LOSS!

AND… since the average women gains around 3-5 LBS over the holidays, and with the Holiday Fat Buster Formula you can expect to lose 7.5 pounds, you can see now how you’ll LOSE weight over the holidays. (Btw, we know it’s not fair ladies…but men drop even more.)

(At the very least you can confidently expect to not gain a single “holiday pound” like all your friends 🙂

Now, if you’ve read this far, then you’re serious about not becoming another holiday “statistic” and going into 2012 feeling better than ever.

So here’s what you need to know:

The Holiday Fat Buster Formula starts Monday Nov 21st

And ends Saturday Jan 7th .

And the best part is that because we know you’re going to miss workouts, the price has been reduced from $340 to $97! So you are getting 71% off when you register by Friday the 18th.

To register simply call 786-346-9150 with credit card on hand and we’ll get you all set up and send over your “Ultimate Holiday Fat Loss Strategy” super fat burning report.

Happy Holidays,


PS. Just to recap: Lose 7.25 pounds of fat over the holidays for $97 bucks.

To register just call 786-346-9150 by Friday the 18th because we are getting started next Monday the 21st.