
Robaina Fitness Associates Boot Camp Success Stories and Testimonials

Company : Robaina Boot Camp Fitness
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37% to 23% Body Fat

63 year old dynamo!

From 195 lbs and 37% body fat to 168 lbs and 23% body fat in 6 months! Burned 33 fat pounds and gained 6 muscle pounds!

Alicia Bryan

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Personal Empowerment

First allow me to express my gratitude to you for the past 6 months, through your program I have been empowered to change not only my physique, but more importantly my health and lifestyle.

Jose Infante

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37% to 22% Body Fat

I started "Bootcamp" about a year ago at 37% body fat and after 3 months I was 22% body fat. I only exercised 3x a week and I saw amazing results. I look forward to reaching my goal of 17% body fat. Bootcamp is awesome!

Although it's only 30 minutes when you are done you feel like you have worked out for hours and the muscles of your body are sore for days after, so to me that is the best proof that you are doing something right!
Katie Bennet

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Feeling Better Then Ever

Getting in shape has been a life long project. I've tried every possible exercise facility and diet imaginable and my appearance proves that nothing has worked so far. I feel better than ever physically and emotionally since joining Robaina’s Bootcamp and I’m motivated to keep going.

Rhonda Rodriguez

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Elana Has a Perky Butt

I started with THAB (lower body Bootcamp for women) in June and I must say that everyone has complemented me on my butt being more perky, and also because of the THAB I can do all leg work 100 % all the time

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Achieved Her Life Long Goal

Thanks to you I have been able to accomplish a goal I never thought possible, checking off "marathon runner" from "MY LIFE'S GOALS TO DO LIST".It was an amazing feeling crossing that finish line.

Ari Crespo

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