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We Can Guarantee Your Results Because……………

  1. Our boot camp fitness program is comprised exclusively of people who share the common commitment and goal of getting and staying in the best shape of their life.
  2. Our members are are dedicated, work hard and rely on each other this will rub off on you.
  3. Exclusive nutrition plan called Eat and Be Lean will turbo charge your metabolism.
  4. Unique 30 minute boot camp is quite simply the best workout you’ll ever have. The mixture of cardio, and strength training will help you improve 4 categories of fitness – 1) Cardio, 2)Body Fat, 3) Flexibility and 4) Strength. Combined with Eat and Be Lean it is a fitness formula that works every time. Period!

We are not a gym. We just don’t sign you up and send you out. We work with you, help you, coach you. This combined with the group dynamic means that you have a tremendous support program behind you that will encourage you to reach beyond what you thought you could achieve and get the results that have alluded you.

Joe Robaina


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If you have any problems with this form, or are unable to complete it then please call our office at 786-346-9150

About Robaina Boot Camp Fitness

Robaina Boot Camp Fitness gets you in the best shape of your life in just 30 minutes 3 times a week, guaranteed. Lose fat get lean and sexy fast at Miamis longest running most popular fitness bootcamp